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Annual Reviews: Labour Proposes Overhaul of Ofsted Inspection System
Shadow Education Secretary, Bridget Phillipson, has proposed annual school safeguarding reviews, separate from current Ofsted inspections, to prevent safeguarding issues from being missed. Labour plans to consult on replacing Ofsted's four grades with a report card-style system, to provide more transparency for parents. The Association of School and College Leaders welcomed the proposals.
DfE Finds significant potential for safeguarding harm in out-of-school-settings
A recent pilot study from the Department of Education (DfE) has found that out-of-school-settings (OOSS) are not as safe as assumed. The study, which had a budget of £3 million, aimed to identify and intervene in OOSS where safeguarding concerns were found. The DfE has promised to take action to tackle the issue.
Operation Encompass: Safeguarding Partnership Rolls out across Northern Ireland
One in five UK children have witnessed or experienced domestic abuse. Operation Encompass is a UK-wide initiative to improve support and protection for children exposed to domestic abuse. It is a safeguarding partnership between the police and education providers. Recently introduced legislation means the initiative is now rolling out across Northern Ireland.
Experts tell MPs Schools Need Annual Safeguarding Audit
In light of growing reports of abuse and harassment in schools, experts are calling on the government to mandate annual safeguarding inspections. These inspections would be separate from the usual Ofsted inspection framework and would investigate what schools are doing to protect their pupils.
Using Financial Background Checks in Education
Funding for schools is tight at the best of times. But it certainly doesn’t help when senior management within the school are mismanaging money! While DBS Checks are standard in education settings, adverse financial checks are something that should be considered for all senior hires.
Tips on Best Practices for Private Tuition Firms
Thanks to the pandemic, many people are looking to tutoring companies to help their children. Private tuition is a sparsely regulated industry but there are things to do that can help you stay ahead of the curve when it comes to best practice. In this guide, we look at the key things private tuition firms should pay attention to.
SEND School Transport Firm Lose Contract Down to Non-compliant DBS Checks
In recent weeks, a Birmingham transport firm have lost multiple council contracts after failings were discovered in their DBS compliance. Over 50 drivers were found to have not had the appropriate checks carried out despite regularly transporting SEND children to and from school.
Tips for Safeguarding Your Children Online This Summer
With UK children spending more and more time online, knowing how to safeguard them properly is always a concern. When it comes to protecting young people in online spaces, even if you think you’re tech-savvy it can be hard to know where to start. That’s why we’ve put together these tips.
Cleaners Marched Off School Premises Due to Lack of Background Checks
Two schools in Scotland recently had to escort agency cleaners from the premises due to not having the correct background checks completed. In the UK, school staff, whether employed full-time or via an agency require some of the highest level of criminal record checks available to ensure that students aren’t exposed to dangerous individuals.
Spot the Fake: 75% of Admissions Staff Can’t Spot Forged Qualifications
A recent report from the UK’s qualification authority has revealed that one-in-four university admissions staff cannot spot forged credentials. With employment fraud a growing concern for employers, what can you do to try and prevent it happening to you? In this article we take a look at just that.
Social Media and Young People: Little Evidence to Support Perceived Harms
In the digital age, it is a commonly held belief that social media in some way negatively affects young people’s mental health. Although little concrete evidence has been issued to support this claim, this idea is now pervasive in society. A recent longitudinal study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychological Science helps debunk this myth.
What Actions Should Schools Be Taking in Light of #EveryonesInvited
The success of the #EveryonesInvited movement goes to show just how pervasive the culture of abuse in UK education has become. As schools across the nation start preparing for the most comprehensive set of inspections in generations, we take a look at some of the areas they should be looking at.
Government order Ofsted to conduct safeguarding review following #Everyonesinvited
Last week, the Secretary of State for Education, Gavin Williamson, announced that Ofsted are to complete a review into the effectiveness of school safeguarding practices. This review has been ordered in light of the culture of sexual abuse in education highlighted by Everyone’s Invited.
How is the pandemic affecting young people in the UK?
An entire generation of young people has had their prospects dramatically altered thanks to the coronavirus pandemic. As the world looks set to re-open, we look at the impact the pandemic has had on young people's education and employment
Everyone's Invited: Survivor testimonies lead to police investigations into school rape culture
School is a place where every child should feel safe and secure. But based upon anonymous testimonials submitted to the site, Everyone’s Invited, UK schools are facing an epidemic of sexual offences and abuse. The volume of testimonials has been leading to police inquiries across the nation.