Who are Disclosure Scotland?

Personnel Checks is an approved Registered Body for Disclosure Scotland, as well as the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS). Disclosure Scotland is a Government organisation which carries out criminal record checks throughout the UK. Personnel Checks process thousands of Basic Disclosure Checks through Disclosure Scotland each year. 

What’s the difference between a Basic DBS and a Basic Scottish Disclosure?

A Basic Disclosure Scotland Check is a certificate that highlights any Unspent Convictions on an individual’s criminal record. The Police National Computer (PNC) and Scottish Criminal History System (CHS), are searched to obtain this information. Scottish Disclosures are subject to slightly different rules. The filtering guidance in relation to the ‘Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974’ has a specific section for Scottish applicants, you can find out more here.

Which check you need depends on where your applicant is living and working. If living and working in Scotland, a Disclosure Scotland Basic Check would be the best choice. If you have an applicant living in Scotland but working in England and Wales a Basic DBS Check would be required. This is because of the different rules surrounding the filtering of certain convictions. Some that may be disclosed in Scotland may not be in England and Wales and vice-versa.

How do I get started with Disclosure Scotland Basic Checks?

To get started with Disclosure Scotland checks, give us a call on 01254 355688. We will be able to take you through the key differences and get the ball rolling. The application process is almost exactly the same as an application for a Basic DBS Check. A Disclosure Scotland application form must be completed by the applicant and the check takes approximately 2 weeks to be processed once the application form is received. 

Personnel Checks keep all customers informed of every stage of the process and have the facility to allow the application form to be completed either online or on paper. 

How do I do higher levels of Disclosure Scotland Checks?

Personnel Checks can assist organisations in obtaining higher levels of check with Disclosure Scotland. Standard and Enhanced DBS Checks do have a Scottish equivalent in the Protecting Vulnerable Groups Scheme. This is a membership scheme where individuals working in regulated activity must sign up. In the PVG scheme, there are four types of PVG Check:

  • Scheme Record

  • Existing Scheme Record

  • Scheme Record Update (also known as a Short Scheme Record)

  • Scheme Membership Statement

Scheme Record and Existing Scheme Records are designed for those joining the PVG scheme for the first time, or when changing your employment type. Scheme Record Updates are for adding information about a new employer. Scheme Membership Statements are for self-employed individuals or private individuals engaging in some kind of regulated activity.

You can find more information on the MyGov.scot website.

For more information about anything in this article, or, how our screening solutions can help you, get in touch! Personnel Checks are a registered with Disclosure Scotland to provide Basic Scottish Disclosure Checks. You can give us a call on 01254 355688 or drop us an email at letstalk@personnelchecks.co.uk

Types of Check: DBS Checks for Care Workers


DBS Checks for University