Top 5 Questions Asked About CRB Checks

If you’ve found this article because you’re looking for a CRB Check, you’re in the right place! CRB Checks don’t exist anymore, but they live on in another form, read on to find out more…

What is a CRB check?

A Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) check was a way for employers to learn about the criminal records of current and potential employees. These checks are still around but they’ve undergone a transformation. 

In 2012, CRB Checks were replaced by DBS Checks when the Criminal Records Bureau merged with the Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA). This new body became known as the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS). 

What is the difference between a CRB and a DBS Check?

For all intents and purposes, there is no difference between CRB and DBS Checks. DBS Checks simply replaced CRB Checks. They are both criminal record checks used by UK employers to make sure they are recruiting safely. The main difference is administrative efficiency. Before the CRB and ISA merged to become the DBS, the checks were essentially being carried out by two separate organisations, which made little sense.  

CRB Checks (now DBS Checks) are needed to help employers make informed decisions about whether employees can work with vulnerable adults or children. Although there is no legal requirement for DBS Checks in any role, many employers and regulated bodies have DBS Checks as part of their recruitment policies and procedures. 

When undergoing any background check you’re probably going to want some further information. We spoke to our team and put together the five most frequently asked questions about CRB (DBS) Checks. 

1. Can I Get a CRB Check if I am Self Employed?

If you are self-employed, with no other employees in your business, you can get your own criminal record check. The only level of CRB Check available for the self-employed is the Basic check.

The Standard and Enhanced CRB Checks are only available for companies to obtain on behalf of their employees. The company would need to have at least 2 members of staff officially employed by the business to be able to access the Standard or Enhanced CRB Check.

To apply for your own Basic check please call us on 01254 355688 or apply online.

2. How often do I need to renew my CRB Check?

If you still have a CRB in place at the moment, we’d suggest getting another one done ASAP! While there is no official expiry date on a CRB Certificate, the fact that they haven’t been issued in over a decade means it’s high time you got yourself a DBS Check!

There is a date on the certificate which indicates when the check was completed and issued. An employer is not informed if information is added to an applicant's criminal record after the CRB check has been issued. Therefore, it is generally considered best practice for organisations to renew their employees’ CRB checks every three years. This time period is often dictated by industry regulations and can vary from new checks every 6 months, to, every 3 years.

3. How do I renew my CRB Check?

Once you have had a CRB Check carried out, there is no way to upgrade or renew your check. Each time a CRB check is needed, the application process starts from the beginning. Although people commonly refer to it as a ‘renewal CRB’, each application starts a new check. 

It is at the discretion of your employer as to whether they need to renew your CRB check. Organisations have their own policies as to how often they require their staff to renew their CRB Check.  

For example, Ofsted requires all registered organisations within the education sector to ensure all employees’ CRB Checks are renewed every 3 years. Some organisations ask employees to renew their CRB Checks annually. 

The DBS (Disclosure & Barring Service) formerly known as the CRB, now run a service called the DBS Update Service. This system allows applicants to register their DBS certificate and pay an annual fee of £13 to keep this updated. They can then provide a code for employers to review their information.  

For more information about portable CRB Checks and the DBS Update Service, contact Personnel Checks on 01254 355688.

4. How do I know if I have passed or failed my CRB Check?

You cannot pass or fail a CRB Check. 

A CRB Check is a search of the Police National Computer (PNC) for your criminal history. It is then the decision of the employer, client or organisation to make a recruitment decision based on what information the certificate presents. 

There are three different levels of CRB Check and each differs in the information they search for: 

  • A Basic Disclosure searches for all Unspent Convictions 

  • A Standard Disclosure searches for all Cautions, Warnings, Reprimands and Convictions 

  • An Enhanced Disclosure searches for all Cautions, Warnings, Reprimands and Convictions. This will also search if the applicant is listed on the ISA’S Barred Lists for working with either children, vulnerable adults or both.

5.  Is there a legal requirement to have a CRB Check?

There are no legal requirements for anybody to have a CRB Check. It is a public service which organisations and employers can access if they wish to enquire about their employee's criminal histories.  

It is recommended that all organisations use this public service for best practice, to ensure they create a safe working environment, especially if their employees are working with either children or vulnerable adults. 

It is the responsibility of the employer or organisation to organise CRB Checks for existing or new members of staff. Any company is eligible to access CRB Checks for their staff – the level of check they can access will depend on the roles and responsibilities of the applicants.

We have referred to these checks as CRB Checks because we understand a lot of people are more familiar with these than DBS Checks. Please bear in mind, that CRB Checks no longer exist, they are now called DBS Checks. If you are still using an old CRB certificate in your role we would strongly advise getting a new one!

For more information about anything in this article, or, how our screening solutions can help you, get in touch! You can give us a call on 01254 355688 or drop us an email at


DBS Update Service for Applicants


Safeguarding: CSE